WIE Events


The PearlHack 3.0 is an idea hackathon that will be conducted in parallel with ICARC 2025 open to all the female undergraduates islandwide. Participants will develop a method under the theme “Converging Horizons: Uniting Disciplines in Computing Research through AI Innovation” with an eye towards driving user engagement, enthusiasm, and exploration. Hackathon will be happening as a virtual event. The event will be held according to the terms and conditions which are provided by the organizing committee with the supervision of a panel of judges.
The main objectives are to encourage female undergraduates towards innovations and inspire creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking, expose them to “Converging Horizons: Uniting Disciplines in Computing Research through AI Innovation" and related fields to foster their interest to make a better world through new discoveries.

Plenary Talk

Dr. Grace A. Lewis
Title : Women in STEM

Panel Discussion

Female Power! Leadership Skills for Women in Science

As a scientist, you are required to fulfill many duties. One of these roles designates you as a leader. You must assume the role of a leader and guide groups of individuals towards certain objectives in the field of science and research. In order to effectively guide your team, it is important to reflect over the qualities that constitute an exceptional leader. The Panel Discussion will focus on several intriguing questions including: What constitutes female leadership? Which leadership style is suitable? What factors influence the determination of leadership performance in different cultures? How can I cultivate a compelling vision and plan for my team? How can one optimise collaboration and foster the growth of a team? How can one effectively inspire and encourage individuals?
